Hypothyroidism, And How Diet Can Affect Treatment


What is Hypothyroidism? In the early stages, Hypothyroidism, also referred to as an underactive thyroid, may not cause obvious health problems; however, if left untreated, hypothyroidism can cause a variety of serious health issues like heart disease, infertility, obesity, and joint pain. The thyroid sits at the front of your neck; it’s a small gland … Read more

Glucomannan and Weight Loss

Glucomannan and Weight Loss

For anybody out there that has struggled with their weight, and there are certainly plenty, you’ll all know that losing weight can feel like a constant battle and uphill struggle that is seemingly never-ending. You can diet and exercise for days, weeks, months even, yet when the time comes to take your measurements and step … Read more

Kitesurfing Earplugs

Kitesurfing Earplugs

Kitesurfing is great fun and is becoming more and more popular as a sport in the UK. As well as being a physical sport that is demanding on the muscles, kitesurfing is also tough on the ears. Wind deafness is often a problem for kitesurfers and can ruin enjoyment of the sport. The constant sound … Read more

Earplugs for Small Ears

Earplugs for Small Ears

We all need earplugs. If we travel regularly or go to concerts we all know how useful they are in protecting our senses from screaming children or sustained loud noises. Earplugs are great but it’s not always easy to find the right earplugs for small ears. If you have smaller than average ears, finding earplugs … Read more

How Superfood Beetroot Can Lower Blood Pressure

How Superfood Beetroot Can Lower Blood Pressure

It’s a common problem. As many a 7 million people in the UK are living with high blood pressure. Many of those people are not even aware that they have it. Many are unaware of the risks that go with high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes. All of these things can be caused … Read more

The Best Earplugs for Concerts

The Best Earplugs for Concerts

There’s nothing quite like attending a live concert and feeling the energy of the crowd and the music around you. Unfortunately, concerts can often be too loud and uncomfortable, leading to ear pain, ringing, and even hearing loss. To ensure that you can enjoy all the music without sacrificing your hearing, it’s important to invest … Read more

Measles – Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments


Measles is a viral illness that is highly contagious, and which can sometimes result in serious complications. Vaccinations have helped make measles pretty uncommon in the UK, nowadays. If you haven’t been vaccinated, or haven’t had measles before, you may be at risk. Anyone can get them, but measles is usually more prevalent in children. … Read more

Dandruff Explained

Dandruff is a very common scalp ailment that affects millions of people in the UK and across the world. It is characterised by flakes and itching of the scalp, and can be a result of a variety of factors. Dandruff is not just a cosmetic issue; if left untreated, it can lead to serious problems … Read more

How to Block out Noise for Better Sleep

How to Block out Noise for Better Sleep

We live in a modern, noisy world. Sometimes we can’t sleep because of the traffic noise outside or the distraction caused by loud neighbours watching television or partying hard. Over the last 30 years, levels of noise have been getting higher and are projected to rise even higher. When noise starts to affect the quality … Read more