News about Sleep from Zoom Health – 15th April 2022

Sleep is important. On average, each of us spends 26 years sleeping in our lifetime, which equates to 9,490 days or 227,760 hours. Getting to sleep also takes some time. We spend on average 7 years trying to get to nod off!

Because sleep is so important to us, Zoom Health publishes a weekly summary of the best news stories about sleep from around the web. If you want to find out what is happening in the world of sleep, you have come to the right place.

Here at Zoom Health we are trying to do our little bit too, which is why you will find that we offer the widest range of earplugs for sleeping on the planet!

In the news this week:

How to Block out Noise for Better Sleep
We live in a modern, noisy world. Sometimes we can’t sleep because of the traffic noise outside or the distraction caused by loud neighbours watching television or partying hard. Over the last 30 years, levels of noise have been getting higher and are projected to rise even higher | Zoom Health, UK

6 aspects of your life that suffer when you don’t get enough sleep
It’s a well-known fact that many of us are sleep-deprived. We try to convince ourselves that doing with a few hours less of sleep each night can … Fast Company, US

Does diabetes have a negative effect on sleep?
This refers to how blood glucose control can worsen the quality of sleep while sleep disturbances can affect blood sugar levels and elevate the risk … | Medical News Today, USA

Is it healthier to wake up early to exercise, or to get more sleep?
Morning workouts are good for your physical and mental health, but not at the cost of sleep deprivation. Getting enough sleep is more important … | Today Show, USA

Can These Couples Improve Their Sleep Habits In 10 Days?
Sleeping as a couple is hard. Special thanks to Janet Kennedy, PhD for her expertise | YouTube

Best Sleeping Positions for an Overactive Bladder
If you have OAB, you may be wondering if certain sleep positions may help reduce your need to urinate at night. We explore this topic | Healthline, USA

These are all the things that could be causing your sleepless nights
Acute sleep deprivation refers to a short period of less sleep, while chronic sleep deprivation is defined as “curtailed sleep that persists for three … | The Independent, UK

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Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Zoom Health is a leading UK supplier of  Home Health Tests and Earplugs

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