Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Test Review

In the UK, Sainsbury is a popular supermarket chain that was founded by John James Sainsbury in 1869. It has a market share of above 15%, making it the number 3 supermarket in The UK. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Test. These can be found in the supermarket’s healthcare section.

What Is The Price Of The Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Test?

The Sainsbury’s pregnancy tests come as a two-pack for a reasonable price of £3.65. The price for a comparable Asda Pregnancy Test Kit is £3.50.

The Sainsbury pregnancy tests are made in China and packaged in Poland, but the actual manufacturing company is unclear.

Pregnancy Test Instructions

These kinds of tests are referred to as midstream pregnancy tests. To get a result, the woman pees on the stick and waits a few minutes.

A blue colour code icon is used to display the results. The results of the tests are displayed below:

The test window shows a single blue line
When you see this, the test is progressing properly. You will always see this line if you are pregnant or not.

The test window shows a single horizontal line minus (-) sign
You are not pregnant when you see a minus (-) sign.

The test window shows a blue plus (+) sign
The blue plus (+) sign shows that the result is positive and that you are pregnant.

Is The Test Accurate?

The accuracy of the Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Test is over 99% and is most reliable from a few days before your next scheduled period to beyond.

The accuracy decreases if you take the test too early.

As the levels of hCG increases, the accuracy increases. Every 48 hours the hCG hormone increases two-fold.

When Is The Best Time To Use The Test?

As per the Sainsbury’s website, the best time to use the pregnancy test is up to 4 days prior to your next period.

For women who used the test 1 day before their period, the positive pregnancy rate was 87%. Tests that take place two days before the period, the rate dropped to 85%. A positive pregnancy test accuracy fell to 74% for women who tested 3 days prior and it fell to 54% for women who took the test 4 days prior to their next expected period.

Understanding hCG Levels

Ever wondered why timing matters so much with pregnancy tests? It’s all about hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone, produced after implantation, doubles every 48-72 hours in early pregnancy. Here’s the kicker: Sainsbury’s test can detect hCG levels as low as 25 mIU/ml. But don’t rush it! Testing too early might lead to a false negative.

Want a pro tip? Use your first morning urine. It’s more concentrated, giving you the best shot at an accurate result. Remember, patience is key. If you’re unsure, wait a few days and test again. Your body (and the test) will thank you!

Are Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Tests Accurate And Reliable?

Did it work for you? The opinions of our readers are very valuable and we publish any reviews we get. There are various levels of satisfaction from women who use Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Test in the UK. “Are they a load of crap?” was a question asked on the forum thread regarding the Sainsbury’s pregnancy tests. What’s your opinion? Contact us to leave your reviews on the Sainsbury’s Pregnancy Test.